...a long run on the beach

PLEASE NOTE our Public Health Requirements HERE.

Sandman 50 is a 50km running race from Old Dunsborough boat ramp to Busselton Jetty and back. The course is on the beach, with the nominal race line being within 3 metres of the water’s edge.

Start time for the next edition is 2am on Saturday 16 November 2024. This is during the night between sunset on Friday and dawn on Saturday, and the moon will be at an elevation of 26.7 degrees, azimuth 326.5 degrees (33.5 degrees west of due North). In any other circumstances, you've come on the wrong night.

Registration opens HERE on 1 May 2024

Entrants can do the entire race solo, or can compete in teams of two, doing 25km each, with the changeover at Busselton Jetty. Entry fee is $70 for solo runners ($60 for AURA members), and $95 for a relay team of two.

Sandman 50 is listed by the Australian Ultra Runners Association


Download the Sandman User Manual HERE

Event Page


Results Sandman IX

Results Sandman VIII

Results Sandman VII

Results Sandman VI

Results Sandman V

Results Sandman IV

Results Sandman III